Expert Sections

The expert sections of the association are the expert, methodological and initiative body of the association, usually for the area identical to the competences of the self-governing regions. Currently, the Association of Self-Governing Regions of Slovakia has 13 sections - each headed by a chairman elected by the Association's Assembly. The members are the senior staff of the individual self-governing regions and meet as required.

Tasks of expert sections

Take a position on draft laws and other documents in the context of the comment procedure
Proposals for legislative changes needed from a self-government point of view
Participate in expert discussions with representatives of central government bodies in the preparation of strategies
Discuss the ideas and requests of the association's members and draft conceptual materials
Carry out the tasks within the section's substantive remit imposed by the Association's Assembly
Report to the Assembly of the Association on their implementation

Management section

property-law settlement of land & property management of self-governing regions

Matúš Šaray (Bratislava)

School section

development of the secondary education system & support for school facilities

Martina Knappová

Cultural section

support for non-state independent culture & cultural institutions

Peter Kadlic (Trnava)

Financial Section

coordination of budgetary & financial relations

Monika Brathová (Nitra)

Slovakia Program section

the position of regions in the context of EU funding

Peter Furik (Bratislava)

Healthcare section

provision of health & pharmacy care

Silvia Pekarčíková (Žilina)

Regional development section

all-round development of the socio-economic potential of the regions

Martina Slivková (Prešov)

Social affairs  section

the creation of activities to improve the living conditions of inhabitants

Iveta Ďurišová (Žilina)

Transportation section

development of road infrastructure & transport services for the regions

Radovan Hužvík (Banská Bystrica)

Energy section

energy security in the region & energy policy of public administrations

Vladimír Hlivák (Košice)

Informatisation section

development of information systems, cyber security & databases

Peter Vaník (Prešov)

Innovation section

new trends in regional innovation & fostering the innovation ecosystem

Marek Krnáč (Trnava)

Spatial Planning Section

coordination of functional use and spatial arrangement of the territory

Miroslava Valková
(Banská Bystrica)

Working group on International Cooperation

the potential of self-governing regions in the field of international relations

Barbora Jánošková

Road Infrastructure Working group

management, maintenance and modernisation of II.-III. class roads and bridges owned by regions

Róbert Machala
(Banská Bystrica)
